Our Quality Products

Discover our range of high-quality aggregate materials. Below prices do not include sales tax. We charge Loudon County Tax Rate 9.00%

Farm base / dirty crusher run

  • Description: A mix of stone dust and crushed rock with a higher percentage of fines, creating a compactable base, 1-inch - 0-inch.

  • Applications: Ideal for farm roads, barn foundations, and muddy areas requiring stabilization.


crusher run

  • Description: A blend of crushed stone and stone dust, creating a solid, compactable base, 1-inch - 0-inch.

  • Applications: Used as a base for driveways, roads, and under concrete slabs for stability.


no. 57 stone

  • Description: 1-inhc - 1/8-inch clean crushed stone with no fines, allowing for good drainage.

  • Applications: Used in driveways, drainage projects, and concrete mixes.


no. 7 stone

  • Description: Small, clean ½-inch - 1/16-inch stone with minimal fines.

  • Applications: Perfect for landscaping, driveways, and drainage systems.


no. 2 stone

  • Description: Larger 2 ½-inch - ¾-inch crushed stone, offering high durability.

  • Applications: Ideal for road base, railroad ballast, and erosion control.


no. 4 stone

  • Description: Larger 2-inch - 1 ½-inch crushed stone, offering drainage and stability.

  • Applications: Ideal for drainage projects, road base, and erosion control.


shot rock

  • Description: Large, unprocessed rock from quarry blasts, varying in size.

  • Applications: Used for foundation stabilization, large-scale fill, and erosion control.


Filter Stone

  • Description: Large, unprocessed rock from quarry blasts, varying in size.

  • Applications: Used for foundation stabilization, large-scale fill, and erosion control.


rip rap

  • Description: Large, angular stones ranging in size, used for heavy-duty erosion control.

  • Applications: Protects shorelines, stream banks, and steep slopes from water and wind erosion.


Start Your Project with Us!

Contact Tri-County Crushed Stone today to get high-quality aggregates for your construction, landscaping, or infrastructure project. Trust our expertise, quality materials, and reliable delivery for lasting results.